Australian Geography
- Use various types of maps and flow charts
- Locate features using degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude
- Calculate the area of a feature
- Calculate the density of a feature
- Construct a land use map
- Measure bearings on a map
- Calculate local relief
- Identify the aspect of a slope
- Construct a cross-section
- Calculate the gradient of a slope
- Construct a transect
- Describe and explain relationships on a map
- Distinguish between large-scale and small-scale maps
- Read and interpret synoptic charts
Graphs and Statistics
- Construct and interpret populations pyramids
- Construct and interpret divided bar and column graphs, and composite line graphs
- Recognise and account for change using statistical data
- Use fieldwork techniques to collect primary and secondary data
- Develop a research action plan
- Interpret satellite images
- Collect and use digital images