Unit 1: Investigating the World
Focus: An introduction to the discipline of Geography and the nature of geographical inquiry.
The Nature of Geography
- The physical elements of environments
- The human elements of environments
- The interaction of the physical and human elements
Our World
- Global representation using maps
- The importance and use of latitude
- The importance and use of longitude
- Global patterns of physical and human features
Geographical research
- Key geographical questions
- Fieldwork
World Heritage Sites
- Create a desktop-published document for a specific audience
- Develop and refine search techniques using the internet
Unit 2: Global Environments
Focus: The geographical processes that form and transform global environments, and human interactions within environments.
Global environments
- Types of global environments and their location
- The spatial distribution of the selected global environment
- The major geographical processes that operate within the chosen environment
- The way humans, including indigenous groups, interact with the environment
- At least ONE community and the way it interacts with the selected global environment
- Collect and interpret electronic information
- Design and create a multimedia presentation