09 Apr 2020

Term 1 is done! Thank you to all students, parents and caregivers for your patience, efforts and understanding over the past 3 weeks. In times of adversity, our community always stands up and this is proving to be no exception.
We are working towards next term looking the same as what we have now and as such the work for our students will be provided in a similar manner. If you are able to work online, your work will be delivered through the internet and those who aren’t online will receive their work through the post.
The work for the commencement of Term 2 will be posted in the second week of the holidays.
I am still waiting to hear back from the Department in regards to extra support for online learning devices and internet - hopefully, that won’t be far away.
School will recommence on Tuesday 28th of April and staff will be connecting with you by phone, email or online from that date onwards.
Taking part in the learning you are being supplied with, is compulsory and if staff are not receiving any work from a student, they will be marked as absent on our rolls. I would appreciate your support in this.
It certainly is a different world to work in!
Enjoy the Easter break and lookout for that next work delivery!
Rod Cosier