20 May 2020

This is the information you need to know for Monday 25th May.
Schools are safe and open for full-time face-to-face learning.
All school activities and operations will be in line with the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health guidelines as applicable. School students do not need to follow physical distancing guidelines but should follow good hygiene practices like:
- Regularly washing hands
- Avoiding sharing drinks or food
- Coughing or sneezing into your elbow, or a tissue which should be discarded immediately.
School attendance
All students should be at school unless:
- They have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition
- They are currently unwell.
Students who have a medical certificate to stay at home will be supported to learn from home.
Students who live with a family member in one of the categories identified as being at increased risk by the AHPPC should attend school unless a medical practitioner advises otherwise in writing.
If your child is unwell, do not send them to school.
What children can do:
- Use the school library
- Engage in non-contact sporting activities
What students can’t do:
- School assemblies (unless for critical information)
- School incursions and excursions including camps
- Work experience
- Inter-school activities
- Drink from a water bubbler – bring a water bottle instead
School grounds:
There should be no visitors to school sites unless they are essential. When dropping students off, please just drop and go to avoid groups. There is a clear plan in place for schools to respond to any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our schools.
If you need more information, please go to our website where there is extensive information with links that was delivered on the 19th of May.
We are looking forward to welcoming the students back!