27 Mar 2020

Moorambilla Voices is a wonderful organisation that helps connect regional music students with new performance and learning experiences. As a result of every year, they do a workshop tour to discover and offer young talent in regional NSW new music opportunities. Due to COVID-19, these workshops were cancelled, however, "Moormabilla Voices will continue to be an award-winning arts program" and want to assure us of their "unbroken support of the children in western NSW".
A message from Moorambilla "This is our 15th consecutive year and Michelle Leonard OAM, our Artistic Director, has had a concept that blossomed last week that means we will be able to continue! The recent ‘social distancing’ decision has motivated Moorambilla to find a new way to connect with the students selected for our program. We have decided to develop a digital, interactive ‘living song line’ for the students to participate in. We want to give a ray of collaborative artistic hope in this incredibly unstable time. This will help connect all our candidates, and our extraordinary artists to showcase 15 years’ worth of repertoire, relationships and interdisciplinary practice online for future sharing nationally. Moorambilla wants to be part of a solution, not another thing taken from our communities."
Any student who wishes to participate in this wonderful experience please send a singing selfie video and application to either Mrs Hellegers (Rebecca.hellegers1@det.nsw.edu.au) OR directly to Belinda Pratt at Moorambilla (admin@moorambilla.com).