Wellington High School

Striving for Excellence in Education

Telephone02 6845 2344



Students are expected to wear uniform at Wellington High School. The uniform for senior and junior students has been outlined below.  Please click the link to download the uniform ordering page Order form (pdf 115 KB).



Junior Girls Uniform

Blue collar polo shirt or blouse

Navy skirt or tailored shorts

Black enclosed shoes

Navy or white socks

Junior Boys Uniform

Junior Boys uniform consists of a blue collar polo or button down shirt, grey shorts or pants and black enclosed shoes with grey or white socks.

Blue collar polo or button down shirt

Grey shorts or pants

Black enclosed shoes

Grey or white socks


Senior Girls Uniform The senior girls uniform consists of a white collar polo shirt or white button down blouse, a navy skirt or tailored shorts and black enclosed shoes with white or navy socks.

White collar polo shirt or blouse

Navy skirt or tailored shorts

Black enclosed shoes

Navy or white socks

Senior Boys Uniform The senior boys uniform consists of a white collar polo or button down shirt, grey shorts or pants and black enclosed shoes with white or grey socks.

White collar polo or button down shirt

Grey shorts or pants

Black enclosed shoes

Grey or white socks

Sports Uniform

The sports uniform consists of a white or Wellington HS polo shirt, navy shorts or track pants and appropriate sports footwear such as runners.


White collar polo or Wellington HS polo shirt

Navy shorts with no logo or a logo that is small

Navy track pants

Appropriate sports footweat such as runners.



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