26 Sep 2017

A beautifully crisp spring morning greeted Year 12 when they arrived outside the Home Economics block for bacon and egg rolls at 7:30am. Suitably rugged up in pyjamas, they amiably chatted with staff and the 2018 Captains, who had given up their early morning sleep-in to cook for them. It was a fabulous way to begin the festivities to come.
There were both emotional and celebratory scenes as Year 12 entered the Hall at 10:00am, in an official capacity, for the last time. They were welcomed with applause and addressed by Principal Mr Cosier, who acknowledged not only their impressive efforts, but the efforts of their families and teachers in getting them to this important milestone. He spoke of the memories they will take with them of their time at Wellington High, but also, and just as importantly, the wonderful memories they will leave behind as the Class of 2017.
Also in their first official role as school leaders, the Captains for 2018 spoke of the impact and legacy Year 12 are leaving behind, wishing them well on behalf of the school body. Year Advisors Mr Nonnenmacher and Mr Sheedy gave a rousing and entertaining speech, addressing each student with memories of their times here, which was very warmly received by both Year 12 and the audience.
Year 12 then had the collective opportunity to thank their teachers, which they did so, with heartfelt (and sometimes amusing) awards. This was followed by the traditional Powerpoint presentation celebrating their 13 years of schooling. Upon being presented with their certificates and reports, Year 12 were clapped out of the Hall for the final time, after which they celebrated with family, friends and staff at a delicious morning tea.
We wish Year 12 very well on this next stage of their journey and hope they use the next three weeks very wisely, in preparation for the HSC, which starts October 16th.