27 Apr 2020

Welcome to Term 2.
I would like to thank both the parents and care-givers and the staff again for the huge effort that was made last term. Another mailout was sent last Wednesday to ensure students have work for this week. Students will commence this work on Wednesday 29th April.
The organisation for this term will be as follows:
The Premier has made it clear that all students should continue working remotely for the first two weeks as we did last term. The only students who should come to school are those whose parents or care givers work in essential services or it is impossible for them to work from home.
From the beginning of week 3 (11th of May ), each student will be able to spend one day a week in the school with classroom teachers in front of them.
What this will look like will be published next Monday after we have completed refining it.
I look forward to continuing working with you all in providing our students with education in this testing time.
Rod Cosier