12 Jun 2018

The cattle show team has had a very busy start to the term. On Tuesday of week 1, we attended Yeoval Show, the following weekend, Wellington Show .
At Yeoval show, 16 students showed a total of 11 animals, including two speckle parks, one red angus and a host of commercial steers and heifers. This was a great opportunity for the new team members to learn the basics of showing, pairing up with a more experienced teammate. In the Stud Animal classes, we were competing against some very good cattle, however our speckle Park Heifer Cayuse Nancy shone on the day, progressing through to be awarded Supreme Exhibit of the show. Our commercial exhibits also performed well, with Cheerio being awarded champion steer and Cyclone Reserve champion steer.
In the paraders competitions, we again competed strongly, winning four out of five classes. In the Novice competition, Amy Ryan was awarded champion and Kaneesha Staggs, Reserve Champion. In the open classes, Will Dimmick was awarded champion and Mitchell Whale, Reserve. Amy went on to be awarded grand champion parader.
At Wellington, a similar number of cattle and students competed mostly against different animals to Yeoval. The highlight with the animals this time was our steer cheerio which was awarded champion led commercial exhibit against some much bigger steers. All of the cattle looked well and we were starting to gel as a team.
In the junior parading, we were again very competitive against stronger competition, winning 3 out of five classes. Jorja Lousick stepped up, winning a very competitive heat and going on to be awarded champion parader.
These two shows were an excellent warm up for Dubbo the following week. It was good to see new team members learning from those with more experience.
A special thankyou to Matt Whale for using his truck to transport the cattle to both shows. I would also like to thank all the parents and teachers who offered their support at the shows.