19 Aug 2021

Dear Parents & Carers,
We have had some questions about assisting your children in accessing their google classrooms.
Firstly, your child needs to use their Department of Education email address. Which is their school log on username + “@education.nsw.gov.au”. If they are unsure as to what their username is, please email the school at wellington-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au or phone the school and their respective Year Adviser will get back to you.
1. If you click on the link below, it will take you to the Department Student’s Links page.
2. Your child will need to click on the Student Portal icon (NOT STUDENT EMAIL) They will need to sign into the Department portal before they can access their email. They need to use their normal Departmental sign in.
3. Once they have signed in, the portal will open up. The student email is located on the left-hand menu. They need to check their student email for ALL their invites to the google classrooms for each subject they have been invited to attend. They must accept ALL the invites.
4. They can then locate Google Classroom in the G Suite Icon – Classroom. It will then display all the classrooms they have accepted.
You can then go into the classrooms with your children to check on their work and help them.
Keep an eye out in the next half hour or so. If your child has not engaged with their google classrooms at all, you will be receiving a text message with their Departmental email address so you can help your child login and check their emails for their Google classroom invites.