28 Aug 2013

Beyond the Line is an initiative between rural high schools and urban universities. Beyond the Line promotes the positive lifestyle and potential for experience that rural living has to offer. By inviting students from large, urban universities who are in the final stages of an education degree out ‘west of the mountain', the overriding hope is that they will see what amazing opportunities await them in their future education careers.
In term 3 2013, three students from the University of Sydney came to Wellington High School to experience a week in our community. The girls were chaperoned by Emily Ivins and Jenna Pixton, both having only left university themselves in the last few years. The girls, Mishanne (PDHPE), Maddie (ENGLISH/DRAMA) and Mikayla (SCIENCE/MATHS), observed classes, had an extensive tour of the school, engaged with students, participated in a Q&A session with Mr Harvey, Mr Cosier and Mr Roberts, and attended our Parent Teacher Night. Outside school hours the girls didn't let their fatigue stop them from a number of group dinners and a trip to Dubbo.
On Thursday, Mr Roberts kindly drove the group out to Yeoval where they met up with 5 more ‘beyond the liners'. The ever expanding group toured Yeoval and Wellington before heading out to see the Cathedral Cave and the Phosphate Mine.
The girls insist "we were so sheltered before, this experience has really opened our eyes to the potential and possibilities involved in teaching in a rural community." Leaving on Friday, tired but smiling, the girls promise to visit.